CHARME final conference


Manos Conference Center

Chaussée de Charleroi, 135, 1060 Bruxelles

Day one March 2, 2020

10:00 – 11:45 Core group meeting

11:45-13:00 Registration

12:00 -13:00 lunch break

13:00 Welcome address by Susanne Hollmann and Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
13:15 Summary reports of WGs
WG1 Aleksandra Gruca / Ugur Sezerman
WG2 Andreas Kremer
WG3 Chris Evelo
WG4 Domenica D’Elia
WG5: Marcus Frohme
STSMs: David Safranek

Chair: D. Safranek

14:15- 15:30 Success stories
14:15 Lukrécia Mertová “Automatising annotation workflows to maximize advantages of existing standards for curation of biological models and experiment databases”
14:30 Vanja Vlajkov “Development and usage of SOPs in methods for analysis and quality management of products derived from microorganisms”
14:45 Pavlo Onopriienko “Development of SOPs in analysis of life science data using machine learning methods”
15:00 Hüseyin Okan Soykam “Text Mining Approaches for Molecular Pathways for Rare Diseases”

Podium discussion with the STSM

15:30-16:00 coffee break

Chair: M. Frohme

  Speaker Title
16:00 Juliane Pfeil CHARME training schools - the perspective of a young researcher as a participant and organizer"
16:20 Liane Kober Exploring out-of-the box opportunities for digitalization and interoperability in the R&D lab
16:40 Shosahna Wodak tba

Social Event: 19:00

Ultime Atome, Rue Saint-Boniface 14, 1050 Ixelles, Bruxelles


Manos Conference Center

Chaussée de Charleroi, 135, 1060 Bruxelles

Day two, March 3, 2020

Start at 9:15 am

Chair: A. Kremer

  Speaker Title
9:20 F. Locher (BPI) tba
9:40 Dr. C. Hollmann (Servier) tba
10:00 Klemen Zupancic (SciNote) ELNs

10:40 - 11:00 Coffee break

Chair: C. Evelo

  Speaker Title
11:00 Chris Evelo "Is there anybody out there? The need for software to profit from data standards still exists."
11:30 Egon Schultes* Standards in chemistry for life sciences, identifier and (sub)structure base mapping and existing needs in that area.
12:00 Samira Nik CEN/CENELEC new strategy

*TC presentation

12:30 -14:00 lunch break

Chair: M. Frohme

  Speaker Title
14:00 Sören Hohmann Standardization of ELNs
14:30 Christoph Endrullat Standardization of NGS
15:00 Alina Nechiporenco CHARMEing image processing

Chair: S. Hollmann

15:30 Small group work about CHARME feedback of members - Survey

16:00 - 16:45 Discussion

16:45 closing remarks

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